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What is the background for this project?

This project is founded on the background of the fact that social inclusion is a key priority in the Europe 2020 Strategy. The target in this is to lift at least 20 million people out of risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Nowadays, many schools in Europe have significant percentages of migrant populations. Some of the students tend to form nation-based groups, separating themselves from the rest of the class and communicating exclusively in their parents’ native languages. The result is a lack of understanding, increased numbers of early school leavers, disparities in learning outcomes and discrimination. Additionally, Europe and students in European countries will be confronted with a rising number of refugees and asylum seekers.

The question of integration in Europe is more important than ever before. Politics is trying to find an ideal solution and establish a reliable framework to succeed in it. However, the integration possibilities that the government can offer are limited. Integration starts at

lower levels with people’s awareness of other cultures and different needs. Therefore, it is essential to focus on the topic of diversity.

By choosing the priority inclusive education, training and youth we want to confront all of our students with different cultures in innovative and learner-centered pedagogical approaches and address this topic. The aim is to provide opportunities for experiencing the concept of European citizenship and to foster learners with different or sometimes disadvantages

cultural backgrounds.

Delegations from each school met in Brussels to learn more. At the European Economic and Social Committee, we met with vice president Mrs. Isabel Cano (6th from the left)

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