activity in Porvoo, Finland
March 7 - 11, 2022
The second meeting with students was suppose to take place in Porvoo, Finland in December 2020. Unfortunately COVID-19 stopped this from happening. We waited, and finally in March 2022, it was possible to conduct the meeting.
The focus at this mobility was around "Who are we?" - referring to the refugees and migrants in our schools. Students replied a survey on their knowledge on integration. There was one survey for native students and another for migrants/refugees.
Students prepared a presentation on the refugee situation in their countries.
At the meeting, they debated and worked on culture and traditions. All partners brought some domestic food, and we created a big buffet for lunch on the first day.
Also at this meeting, students and teachers finished to work on questions/tasks for the board game, which is the very final result of the project.
MONDAY - school day:
Welcoming and getting to know each other activities
A presentation of Careeria as vocational school and it's international activities
Meeting with immigrant students and their teacher. Information on study programme
Guided walk in the old town of Porvoo
TUESDAY - school day:
Preparing International Food Festival in the kitchen of the school
Presentations of the food made and lunch
Board Game: Playing the game we created in international groups
WEDNESDAY - day trip to Helsinki:
Meeting and working with group of international business education students
Sightseeing and guided tour in the city
THURSDAY - day trip to Vantaa:
Visit to HEUREKA Science Park with guided tour and lunch
Visit to FAZER Chocolate World
FRIDAY - school day:
Student presentations on migrant history and present situation
Student survey results and debate
Student feedback on the week
Teachers meeting
